Greg Loucks
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More than 150 countries in the world have an Independence Day. Meaning they gained Independence from someone else, sometimes through war. And the United States is the only one I know where the people themselves complain about it!

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The same people who tried to control us with a virus they bioengineered in a lab are the same people who started a war in Ukraine and buy children for sexual prostitution!

99% of churches in America teach doomsday messages and fear! Therefore most Christians don't know we are coming into the Kingdom Age, the greatest times known to man! The greatest awakening and outpouring known to man! The only rapture that will take place is God is removing the evil Deep State Luciferians! Good bye! The Hollywood rapture doctrine was pushed by a freemason named John Darby! The meek shall inherit the earth!

The Deep State doesn't want us to wake up to the fact they cause more weather problems then plastic straws, our CO2 admissions, cow parts, and hair spray does! They tore a hole in the ozone layer in the North Pole with HAARP, then blamed us an our hairspray usage! We can't fund their projects with their pagan worship of Motther Nature if we all woke up! That hole sealed up. God also made the earth to heal because it's a living organism!

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