Greg Loucks
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September 14, 2024

My liberal friend thinks if Trump wins he will lose his freedoms! Oh my God! He asked if I was voting for the woman? That's probably about all he knows about Kamala!

What we have been competing with is different narratives and bold face lies! Most of it starts with the news media! So sick of it! A lot of liberals think Trump is like Hitler and his followers are Nazis.

There is a certain type of person in our country which there are millions who will never wake up.

Trump was a business man, he can do something about the inflation and if he does he will still be hated. If he keeps us out of more wars and solves the conflict in Ukraine he still won't get credit. The news media will keep going after him and accuse him of more lies and millions will still believe it.

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Most American and European churches act like Satan and demons and spiritual warfare aren't real! Acting like it isn't real doesn't make it go away!

September 16, 2024

I just met a liberal adult from California that acted like a child and the kind of kid that would be beat up if he was still in grade school! He was mocking a veteran looking for the bus stop. He thought I'd go a long with it! He left and I told the Veteran how annoying he was. He agreed!

September 15, 2024
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