Greg Loucks
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The world is more staged than most think. Actors get stunt doubles and politicians don't? Its not just third world countries with body doubles. The country, news, military, politicians, etc constantly run psyops. The mask capabilities is more advanced than people think. We are now seeing what they are capable of with bringing people back from the dead with video & AI & can make someone say anything with just a little recording. People don't realize that technology is older than that and they've been using it? The Council on Foreign Relations said "we make the news", news anchors read a script called a teleprompter. Operation Mockingbird when the CIA took over the news was the 1950s! A lot don't know Obama signed a law making it legal for news to lie to us. I've been overseas and the politics of America was gone and it was peaceful. Both major side in the USA is way too triggered and divided. They won't believe anything that challenges their views! It's not about learning but agreeing.

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I just met a liberal adult from California that acted like a child and the kind of kid that would be beat up if he was still in grade school! He was mocking a veteran looking for the bus stop. He thought I'd go a long with it! He left and I told the Veteran how annoying he was. He agreed!

September 15, 2024
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September 14, 2024
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