sometimes events speak more to the current state of our country and government than others. Making gay porn in the senate room? None of this surprises most anymore!
There's a problem with the Gospel message of salvation in most churches. If Jesus only died for your eternal life, a lot of younger people don't think about dying anytime soon, so they can postpone salvation in their mind. There needs to be real conviction of sin and knowing they can reap more good if they repent and turn away now. Abd knowing if they stay on this path it won't be good for them. There needs to be a real desire to want to live better and change and please God.
If the CEO shooter hates corporate America and the health care industry, why was he eating at McDonalds of all places? He can hate corporate America and millionaire ceos and the healthcare industry but never is it justified to shoot someone. The fact people were celebrating it is sick. People forget this stuff tears apart two families. Now that stupid kid's family is separated too. They will never see their kid at Christnas. Imagine his mom! His uncle is a state politician abd released a statement that they were sorry. Maybe the CEO was corrupt and a rich millionaire and greedy but never is taking another life justified. He in a way took his own life too. Enjoy prison!